Development of models to understand the genetic basis of quantitative traits and the applications of genetics to the conservation of biodiversity
Prediction and estimation of the effective population size, analysis of genetic diversity, inbreeding depression and genetic purging, and study of the properties of deleterious mutations and its consequences.
IPs: Armando Caballero and Humberto Quesada.
Evolutionary molecular genetics
Understanding of the processes by which organisms evolve and adapt to their environment and ultimately generate new species, the impact of historical and contemporary factors on patterns of genetic variation, and the detection of the molecular footprint of natural selection.
IP: Humberto Quesada.
Adaptation and speciation in marine intertidal gastropods, including rough periwinkles (Littorina saxatilis) and flat periwinkles (Littorina obtusata and L. fabalis)
IPs: Emilio Rolán-Alvarez and Juan Galindo.
Development of genomic and analytical tools to assess genomic diversity in non-model organisms
IP: Juan Galindo.
Development of new statistics to estimate sexual selection and sexual isolation effects
IPs: Antonio Carvajal-Rodríguez and Emilio Rolán-Alvarez.
Hybridization and reproductive isolation mechanisms in marine organisms
Doubly-Uniparental Inheritance (DUI) of mtDNA in marine mussels. Sex determination mechanisms in marine mussels (Mytilus spp.). Mitogenomics and mitoproteomics. Nuclear-mitochondrial coevolution.
IP: Ángel Pérez Diz.
Application of concepts and models of information theory to the study of 1) Sexual and natural selection 2) Detection of evolutionary genomic patterns in viruses
IP: Antonio Carvajal-Rodríguez.
Analysis of the chromosomal changes that accompany speciation in different families of bivalves and study the phenomena of hybridization between mussel species and between clam species
IP: Juan José Pasantes.
Genetic conservation of salmonids
Use of molecular genetic, genomic and epigenetic data to study the demographic history of diadromous species, salmon and trout, their adaptation to environmental conditions and their potential to respond to environmental changes. Impact of actions that alter populations such as fishing, habitat fragmentation and pollution.
IP: Paloma Morán.
Methods for multiple testing correction: FWER, FDR and permutation-based methods.
Software development and consulting,
IP: Antonio Carvajal-Rodríguez.
River Restoration under uncertainty
Development of strategies to restore river connectivity and migratory fish species with incomplete information. Modelling of barrier detection, barrier impacts and barrier removal using Bayesian approaches, participatory research and expert opinion. Programa ATRAE (Proyecto FREEFLOW)
IP: Carlos Garcia de Leaniz Caprile.
Atlantic Salmon conservation
Assessment of conservation status, life history strategies and ecology of Atlantic salmon populations. Temporal trends, drivers of change and population forecasting. Behavioral ecology and study of local adaptations.
IPs: Carlos Garcia de Leaniz Caprile, Paloma Morán Martinez.